
Showing posts from November, 2017

Post 33: PLANNING: Editing

EDITING Our editing style, we know already, we plan to be slow and not heavily edited in port-production with long takes that can really take in the story, to fit the more sombre tone of the song, rather than be heavily edited with lots of cuts that can come out as jumpy and fast. We also want to focus on the sisters, so the cameras will often be rolling for a longer time on the sisters and their movement and not just just on and off for certain shots that are pieced together later to make the story. Below is an example of one longer shot that we could use, instead of lots of little ones, when shooting in the car moving from one sister across to the other: NARRATIVE: Above is a video I found on YouTube roughly describing what narrative is. It helped me understand the meaning of narrative and how it is used.  LINEAR NARRATIVE  -  Linear narratives  present stories in a logical manner by telling what happens from one point in time to the next without using flashbacks

Post 32: PLANNING: Sound

SOUND The song we are using for our music video:  'I'll try anything for once' - By The Strokes WHAT IS DIEGETIC SOUND?  – Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film’s world. Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. ARE YOU PLANNING ON USING DIEGETIC SOUND IN YOUR MUSIC VIDEO?  – I think it has crossed our minds that it could look appropriate in our music video, if done right. I think it would be most successful in the opening or ending scene in my opinion because then you don’t have to overlap the song which can over-complicate things.  WHAT SORT OF DIEGETIC SOUND WOULD YOU USE?  – If we did decide to use diegetic sound we would probably do the sounds of the characters walking on the gravel on the beach or clinking glasses together when inside. This will bring out a more realism between the characters and make it seem not as staged as

Post 31: PLANNING: Storyboard

STORYBOARD To carry on from 'post 26: script, stage directions, plot outline' these are the current plans and storyboards we are looking at turning into our music video. Our plot outline is rough as we plan to go away for the weekend, at our setting (a victorian beachouse in Lowestoft) to have two camera people filming pretty much everything the two actors do throughout the weekend. Then, edit everything we have/that happens into our music video so it looks autherntic and natural. However, we still have some plot points, some important and some details we hope to capture.  Here is a table from post 26, explaining these: Then, we turned these into our storyboards, showing a more dynamic and realistic view of what we mean/what we want it to look like, not just simple plot bullet points. I am not very good at drawing, but i think it gives the gist of what we have in mind: LR

Post 30: PLANNING: Props

PROPS PLANNING: PROPS We have no set props, but perhaps objects such as books, Kitchen utensils (such as mugs, teapots and so on) and items of clothing that will keep us warm, for example; gloves, hats and scarfs. These props will be used with certain scenes within the music video. For example the Kitchen utensils will be used within a scene that is located in the kitchen, whereas the items of clothing such as gloves, hats and scarfs will be used within the scenes that are shot outdoors. My group and I will not be buying any extra props as we have collected them as a group through family and friends. The images below are taken from google images to show what sort of props we want to use for our final music video cut. As I previously said, my group and I do not need to buy any props due to the fact we all have items we have collected from our homes, friends or families.  The props: - cups/mugs of tea - warm clothing like scarfs and shoes/wellies on the beach -

Post 29: PLANNING: Costume and Make-up

COSTUME AND MAKE-UP Definition - ' a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period. ... fashion of dress appropriate to a particular occasion or season: dancing  costume ; winter  costume .' The plan for our makeup and costume ideas are very similar. Because  we want the theme to be very natural and simplistic, it wouldn't make any sense to have any bright or glaring make-up or costume in the music video, especially because the two characters are going away, just them, and not any meeting people but spending time with each other and therefore wouldn't have a full face of make-up. Similarly, the two actors will be wearing natural costumes/clothes for it to fit in the setting. I also want for the two actors to be comfortable in what they are wearing so they look comfortable on screen. Therefore, our cast and actors will be wearing minimal makeup and natural costumes. At the moment, they w

Post 28: PLANNING: Cast and Characters

CAST AND CHARACTERS In our planning for cast and characters which we will be using in our media coursework we have narrowed it down to using Amelia (me) Daisy who are twin sisters in real life and in the music video which we will filming. We thought it would be a good idea to use real sisters rather than pretending to act that people are sisters so that the acting looks genuine and real rather than faking it. CHARACTER ONE: Name: Amelia Gilbert Age: 17 DOB: 10/01/00 Gender: Female CHARACTER TWO: Name: Daisy Gilbert Age: 17 DOB: 10/01/00 Gender: Female BELOW, AMELIA AND DAISY:   The characters that they will be playing is as similar to their normal life as possible. That they have a strong sisterly connection and are showing that through the filming techniques that we use. The setting that we are using will help bring out their true characteristics because we want to make out that the beach and house that we are going to film in was a part of the sisters childhood and brin

Post 27: PLANNING: Setting

SETTING Are you familiar with the term 'setting'?   I am familiar with the term setting and in my opinion, it means the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place. So in our situation, the setting would be in a house near the beach. As that is where we are filming our music video.  What settings   do you consider 'setting' using in your music video? For our video we want to portray the present day, with a variety of shots in and out of a victorian beach house located in Lowestoft, Suffolk. The season will be winter as my group and I thought this time of year would compliment our ideas. This setting revolves around the idea that  these sisters on a road trip, doing what they want, when they want, and spending time with each other. Therefore, we want to focus on little things that create the setting and  atmosphere, like driving there in the car, symbolising the freedom to them but also creating that specific setting of

Post 26: PLANNING: Script/ Stage Directions/ Plot Outlines

SCRIPT/ STAGE DIRECTIONS/PLOT OUTLINES Script To plan our script for our music video, we firstly had to, decide whether we want any dialogue, or narration before we decide on a script decisions. We think, having looked at and observed lots of music videos, those with a story have a couple of lines of dialogue before and after the actual music. We considered using this technique to add to the storyboard but think as our plan is to montage a sister road trip displaying their love for each other, it would be hard to add in dialogue that suits our plot, because it changes a lot from scene to scene. Therefore, unless we come up with some suitable dialogue on the day, or one of the shots contains some talking, then we don't plan on using any dialogue, and as a consequence, a script. Stage directions Similarly, one of the first topics we talked about were the stage directions becuase it stems from the subject of the plot and how the storyline develops, and therefore, how you go f

Post 25: Audience Feedback

FEEDBACK FFROM THE AUDIENCE RESEARCH After completing our initial audience feedback video we discovered some things to guide us with our coursework : That most people think that the target audience for music videos is younger people, and not many people from an older demographic watch music videos of choice; only if they are on TV in the background. That people aren't really aware of marketing/advertisement for music videos. It may make people buy a bands music, but some people believe that they will watch the video after they already know of the band, whereas others think that if they see are really good music video it may act as an incentive for people to look further into a purchase the bands music. The main devices people watch music videos on are TV and mobiles devices. How will this affect our coursework: By taking this knowledge into account, we are more likely to make our target audience people of the younger generations, as this seems to be the demographic tha

Post 24: Audience Research Video

AUDIENCE RESEARCH VIDEO  This is our final outcome video interviews for the audience research . In the end, the people we asked were middle to elder-aged women. Therefore, the response we got from our questions about music videos were only representative of this gender and age group. As we're looking at targeting our music at a younger generation and mixed gender, the answers can be useful but not taken literally when reflected on our actual coursework video. TL

Post 23: Audience Research

AUDIENCE RESAERCH We have been set the task of starting our audience research for our coursework; which will give us a clearer idea on what the consumers would want to see from our work for it to be successful. We decided the most effective way of collecting this information is to make a video, asking people from around Wymondham what makes a good music video. By asking the public we will get a variety of ages, which will help us get more inclusive answers to our questions, rather than if we just stayed in sixth form and asked our peers. The three umbrella questions we want to break down and answer are : 1) What do real audiences consume? 2) Who are the specific audiences for particular products ? 3) How do media industries target those audiences ? We have come up with some  broader questions: 1) Do you watch music videos in your spare time? If so why? 2) What platforms do you watch these videos on? 3) How do you know about these videos? How do you t