Post 31: PLANNING: Storyboard


To carry on from 'post 26: script, stage directions, plot outline' these are the current plans and storyboards we are looking at turning into our music video. Our plot outline is rough as we plan to go away for the weekend, at our setting (a victorian beachouse in Lowestoft) to have two camera people filming pretty much everything the two actors do throughout the weekend. Then, edit everything we have/that happens into our music video so it looks autherntic and natural. However, we still have some plot points, some important and some details we hope to capture. 

Here is a table from post 26, explaining these:

Then, we turned these into our storyboards, showing a more dynamic and realistic view of what we mean/what we want it to look like, not just simple plot bullet points. I am not very good at drawing, but i think it gives the gist of what we have in mind:



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