Post 48: Post filming Video Diary




This is our Post-Filming Diary. So, before going into each shoot, we had a clear understanding through planning, mind maps and general organisation of what we were going to do. We played to our strengths of what each of us were going to organise, meaning we all had responsibilities, so we could get the best possible outcome. We also planned our shoots according to the weather, dates and times and each other’s lives. We took it into consideration that we all have to fit in around each other. To begin with, we also thought the most efficient way to get all the filming done to our highest standard possible was to have three shoots; 1. daylight outside shots 2. daylight inside shots and 3. night time shots. For this to happen we had to plan ahead, looking at the weather, outfits, and props before so that each day went smoothly. I think one we thing we did really well was work as a team seeing as nobody was doing more than another. We all worked together, delegating and allocating each shoot to one person so that it was easier to deal with.


So, I was asked to organise day 1, which involved thinking about bringing props, making the locations were all ready, why we were shot there, the weather and the specific times. Obviously, the day was dedicated to getting all the outside day shots of the sisters, so it was most important to me that we had that daylight and choosing when to film, especially as the surrounding days were very cloudy and raining most of the time, we were very lucky to get that one afternoon. We also needed the range of locations and shots or little scenes so that we could spread them out over the video to make it look like the sisters had gone away for more than one day. Getting and organising the props meant buying the sweets, so I knew we had those. Checking our locations beforehand so I could remove litter, see how many people were there and make sure nothing was going to stop us filming. We ended up shooting at Wymondham Abbey, the local church; on a bridge above the A11; a forest just outside of Wymondham; and a sweet shop in the town centre. 

There were a few minor things that went wrong on the day. We didn’t really organise enough time to shoot so we felt pressured to get it all done in a very short amount of time. We definitely would have like more time to experiment with what we wanted in a few different locations to really get that feeling that the sisters were doing lots in the short amount of time they had together, and it didn’t matter what it was. To add to this, we therefore, we starting to go into the evening which isn’t what we wanted, seeing as we needed more daytime shots. With the equipment, the camera kept running low on battery so we had to keep going back to the house and charging it and then going to the net location. Overall, however, day 1 was very successful as we got more footage than necessary and we all liked we got. 


So, I was chosen to organise day two out of the three. I think it went really well and I believe I organised it clearly and we all knew what we were doing, and I thought about it carefully as well. I thought about the outfits as we had the clothes in the first shoot but wanted to change them, so it looked like a different day, (including the make-up). I put out and organised the props around the house, that what we would need, such as cards and more homely things because obviously the setting and environment was a home and we wanted that to come across. I put fairy lights on the stairs and flowers in vases to make it look liveable and aesthetic.

Cons of this shoot was one idea that we planned to sit outside and read but because it started to drizzle, we had to go to a bedroom and do it instead, scrapping our other idea for that room. Furthermore, obviously because we were shooting inside a house, there were a limited amount we could do so that all the ideas and visuals didn’t the look the same and we had some variety in our shots. However, I think we successfully got the range we needed. 


So, I was in charge of day three which looked out all of the night time shots and the travelling in the car. I would say this was the most successful shoot because we had a variant of location shots to get: at McDonalds, driving down the A11 and at the petrol station. We also needed to get the intro and outro long shots of the car leaving the house and arriving the house. We shot early to late evening – we were very lucky to get that dusky environment. We probably could have gone later and we actually would’ve liked to of got pitch-black and much darker light scenes to add another aspect of the music video, really reinforcing the travelling side of it. On the other, we really like some of the shots we got, particularly in the petrol station. We made a list of what we were going to do and to remember things (i.e. extra clothes) We learnt from the other two shoots so there weren’t any mistakes (e.g. we brought an extra battery for the camera) or mishaps and everything went smoothly. 

All in all, we ended up for the video we hoped for. We firmly believe that we wouldn’t have got the footage and video we have without the organisation, research and planning beforehand. Looking at the footage with the feedback we’ve received, you can see our idea taking shape into the final music video we want. 



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