Post 12: Our Practice Task Evaluation


What went well?

Whilst filming, numerous things went well. Firstly, the weather was perfect for our idea. We had planned to film outside, so a rainy or windy day would have been bad for the film and the camera. It was hugely sunny and hot, so the lighting was perfect for filming. Our idea revolved around a relationship, and was generally happy, so bright, sunny lighting was perfect.

What didn't?

The main problem we had with our filming was organisation. This was in many forms; first of all, it was difficult to choose a date and place that was available for all of us. Some of our group don't live in Wymondham, so it was difficult for them to get to the location. Moreover, the task was just before our mock exams, so it was a rather busy time, so we struggled to organise a time to meet. Once we did meet at the location, we hadn't created a proper plan of our video, let alone what we were doing on that day exactly. Because of this, we struggled to decide what we had to do, and sort of 'winged' it. This ended up with us wasting a lot of time, and spending more time making decisions about the video, than actually filming it. Because of this, next time, we will make all the decisions and storyboard our ideas before we go to film, as this will ensure all filming is done in time. Moreover, this made our idea very confused, and hugely changed the concept and end product.

Are you looking to develop on this idea for the actual coursework?

For my actual coursework, I'm not looking to develop this exact idea, but will be creating a very similar idea. I am going to film a music video that is based around a relationship, so it will appear similar at first. The only thing different in my new  idea is there will be more focus on how the relationship developed over time, and will take place in a 'split-screen' timeline, so the video will take place in the present, but will look back into the past. Also, I will most likely use the same actors and similar locations, so it will appear similar to our preliminary task, but I am planning on using different editing techniques for my actual coursework. 

Were you brave enough? Original enough? Creative enough?

Overall, I think for our first attempt at creating a music video, it was rather successful. However,
our story became rather jumbled and lost its way throughout the process, and I feel this made
the end result a little unoriginal (as we went for the easier route story-wise, and abandoned our
first idea, which was harder practically, but was much more original). Because of this, I feel
that we could have been more creative for the plot, and filming of our project. Primarily, we
were going to base our idea around a child and his dog, and would portray how the dog saved
his life in many ways (we were perhaps thinking of a twist at the end, and making the dog
imaginary). This would be much more difficult to film as it would be using both a child and an
animal, which is basically a huge no-no in film production. We struggled to find actors, and
locations, but if we had been braver and gone for this idea it would have been more original,
and much more creative.

In conclusion:

All in all, our preliminary task went well. There were minor issues throughout the process, but
the end product is an interesting, well-made and enjoyable video. We had a lot of fun filming,
and making it, and like the end product.



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